Reclosable Poly bags are one of the most convenient products offered by BagsDirectUSA. These bags are commonly known as ziplock bags as they come with a zipper to reclose the bags providing absolute ease to the customers. This is a good product for the retail stores who sell small items because these bags keep out the moisture, dust, and dirt particles.
These ziplock bags do not require a heat sealer to close the mouth of the bag. The zipper sufficiently makes the bags water and air resistant to a great extent. Reclosable bags are made from 100% virgin low-density polyethylene film and fit the standards of FDA and USDA. Our resealable bags are available in 2-mil and 4-mil gauges.
One of the varieties of our ziplock bags also comes with a white block to add a brief description at the top of the packet. This minimizes the time taken to search for a product. The packaging and shipping supplies at BagsDirectUSA are of the highest quality and are available in wholesale for the retailers all around the world. Our reclosable poly bags are perfect for industrial, retail, and household use.